Little girl in goggles hanging onto the side of a pool

Variable-speed pool pumps are pumps with a motor that runs at different speeds. The benefit is the pump is more efficient than a single-speed pump, and you can make water circulation more customized. You can adjust these speeds so they’re set at a lower speed to save energy and reduce the noise of the pump running.

What Features Should You Consider When Shopping for a Variable Speed Pool Pump?

When choosing a variable speed pool pump, you’ll want to consider several features. For example:

Motor Efficiency

Motor efficiency is important because it directly impacts how much energy your pump consumes, which, in turn, affects the price of your energy bill. The most efficient motors are effective for keeping your pump operational while also minimizing electricity usage.


The horsepower of a motor affects how well it works. If the horsepower of a motor isn’t high enough to properly circulate water through your swimming pool, you’ll not get the filtration you need to keep your pool clean.

Speed Settings

Speed settings allow you to customize your pump for your pool. Some people are happy just having a high and low-speed setting that they can turn down or up as needed. Others prefer multiple variable speeds.


Automation means the speed will adjust without manually adjusting it every time. For example, a pool owner might set their variable-speed pump to run at its highest setting overnight to keep the pool clean, and then it will automatically lower in the morning or afternoon when the pool is most likely to be in use. Some pumps offer a built-in timer that allows you to fully customize the time your pump will run at its highest speed.

Do Variable Speed Pool Pumps Really Save Energy?

The simplest answer is “yes.” These pumps allow your pool motor to run at lower speeds for routine filtration. This uses significantly less electricity compared to single-speed pumps. Many pool owners who convert to a variable speed pump report significant costs, sometimes as much as several hundred dollars per year/season. How much savings you’ll see by making the switch varies and is based on:

  • How often the pump is used
  • Local energy costs in your area
  • Type of pump you’re replacing with the new variable speed pump

Some pool owners also enjoy additional indirect savings through rebates and incentives. Some provinces offer up to $400 in incentives for homeowners who invest in energy-efficient pool equipment. There might also be other incentives available at the local level.

Installation and Maintenance of a Variable Speed Pool Pump: Here’s What to Know

Many pool owners opt to have their new variable-speed pool pumps installed by professionals because the process can be complicated. In some cases, electrical adjustments or plumbing modifications will be needed for the pump. Although a homeowner can handle the job on their own, hiring someone is recommended to avoid problems and ensure your new pump operates at maximum efficiency.

You’ll need to do several things to keep your pool pump running optimally once it’s installed. For example:

  • Regular cleaning so the pump stays free of debris and dirt
  • Monitor the strainer basket for blockages
  • Periodically check the pump operation and determine if there are any noises or anything else unusual that could indicate a malfunction
  • Inspect and maintain seals and O-rings to prevent leakage and ensure efficiency
  • Monitor energy consumption so you can troubleshoot anything that looks unusual


Before investing in a new variable speed pump for your pool, there are several things you’ll want to consider. For example: 


It’s a good idea to determine a budget before you begin shopping for a new pool pump. This allows you to review the pumps in your price range and determine which of those options is best for you.

Keep in mind that the initial cost of a variable speed pump might seem pricey, but over time, the pump investing in the pump offers significant cost savings. Regardless of your budget for a new pump, you’ll want to factor in the long-term cost savings.

Warranty and Customer Support

Even the best pumps occasionally malfunction; when this occurs, you want to be sure you’ll have the support needed to repair the problem. Likewise, if by chance you get a faulty pump that breaks soon into its lifespan, before finalizing your purchase, make sure you choose a pump with a reasonable warranty from a brand or supplier that offers customer support.


Many different brands offer variable-speed pool pumps, many of which are reputable and provide reliable, high-quality products. It’s important to understand that even the brand or pump considered commercially the “best” might not be right for you.

Evaluating several options and basing your decision on criteria specific to you and your pool is the best way to get the ideal pump. A great way to evaluate pumps is to look for pump reviews from pool owners with similar circumstances to yours.

Someone in Florida might love a particular pool pump, but their recommendation might not be suitable for someone installing a variable-speed pump in Canada, where the climate is very different.

If you’re ready to upgrade to a variable-speed pool pump, talk with an expert who can evaluate your situation and help you determine which option is right for you. 

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