8 Expert Installation Tips For Inground Pool Lights

Inground pool lights are an excellent option for enhancing the aesthetics of your pool area. Lights make a space more inviting and create a safer environment. Pool lights illuminate the water, any steps in the area, and the surrounding space.

This means you can see better after the sun sets, and the space will feel cozy and welcoming. Pool lights are essential for any homeowner who wants to swim after dark.

Pool lights have come a long way. They are energy-efficient, available in various colour schemes, and can be customized based on your style and needs.

There are several things pool owners need to know when installing pool lights in their outdoor space. Taking the experience step-by-step means the installation will be as easy as possible and offer the result you want. For example:

1. Careful Planning

Achieving the design you want when it comes to inground pool lights requires a careful plan for the layout. While it might be tempting to start installing lights all over, you’ll want to plan the layout to achieve the optimal placement plan carefully.

This ensures the lights illuminate the darkest spaces to keep things safe and enhance the features you want to highlight in and around your pool.

Chances are you’ve already invested a lot of money and effort into your pool area design. You can use your pool lights to highlight and enhance these landscaping and design efforts.

2. Type of Lighting

You have several different options when it comes to swimming pool lighting, and choosing the right one for your home ensures you get the results you want. The two most popular options are LED and halogen lights.

  • LED lights feature long lifespans and colour-changing options
  • Halogen lights are less customizable and aren’t as durable, but they’re the most budget-friendly option

Once you choose the best option, you’ll need to make decisions about brightness and colour. Some options are adjusted once installed, and you can change the brightness and colour temperature as you desire. In other cases, you’ll need to make these decisions before installation, and your choice will be permanent.

3. Electrical Safety

You’ll want to consider several safety measures. First and foremost, make sure all of the electrical components involved in installing your lights are properly grounded. Next, you’ll want to install GFCI outlets, which protect against shock. Remember, electricity and water don’t mix, so you must ensure that lights are safe around your pool.

4. Test

Before you begin your installation, you’ll want to test the swimming pool lights. This is akin to testing Christmas tree lights before wrapping them around your tree. It ensures everything works correctly before they’re in place, and if there is a problem, it’s easier to fix before everything is installed.

During the test, check for consistency of the lights. All lights should provide the same level of brightness and have a uniform colour temperature.

5. Conduit for Wiring

Another consideration when installing inground pool lights is to use conduit for wiring. Conduit is a protective piping system used to encase and safeguard electrical wiring. This makes the area safer and protects the wiring from corrosion and water damage. Replacing faulty or worn-out wiring is easier when you use conduit.

6. Seal Connections

The next step in the installation process is to seal all connections. Waterproof sealants prevent water from entering the connections, which can cause the wires to short. You’ll want to inspect these seals regularly for damage.

7. Building Codes

Installing your pool lighting properly isn’t the only concern you have during a project like this. You’ll need to follow your local building codes and ensure your installation complies with local codes. In some cases, you might need to obtain permits before installing your lights. Failing to do so can result in fines or force you to modify your design or installation later.

8. Maintenance

The most time-consuming part of inground pool lights is the initial installation, but once installed, the work is not completely finished. You’ll occasionally need to perform maintenance to keep your pool lights functioning and looking their best.

Thinking about future maintenance ahead of time ensures that you install lights in easily accessible locations so they are easy to get to later if they need work.

It’s also a good idea to keep detailed records about the installation. Wiring diagrams can help you later if you need to make repairs. This extends the time it takes to install the lights, but you’ll be happy you took the time to do this later when your lights need maintenance.

Inground Pool Lights and Pool Products

Are you interested in adding pool lights or enhancing your home’s pool in some other way? Pool Products Canada can help. 

We are a 100 percent Canadian-owned company. We have more than 50 years of experience using our products or providing sales support for everything we sell for decades. We offer the best pricing in the business and can promise a fast response when contacting us for information or services.

Whether you to install an inground pool heater or pool lighting, or you are wondering what you can do to enhance your pool and outdoor entertaining area, we’re ready to help. Talk with an expert now about your options and what you can do to make the most of your pool!

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