Arms of a person floating in a swimming pool

If you could control all of your backyard pool functions with a single click of a button, why wouldn't you? No one wants to manage, maintain, and monitor every aspect of their pool if they don't have to.

If this sounds like you, purchasing a pool automation system should be your next summer investment. Not all pool automation systems are the same, and the owner's needs will differ significantly depending on several factors.

These setups come in many forms, and choosing one for your home requires a bit of homework on your part. But don't worry; that's where we come in.

Let's take a minute to talk about what a pool automation system can do for you and all the factors to consider before taking the plunge.

What Exactly Is a Pool Automation System?

Pool automation systems are advanced systems developed to combine all the pool equipment owners have, controlling them automatically. These products ensure pools are getting the maintenance and attention they need without owners spending their time pressing buttons and monitoring chemical levels.

There are various pool automation systems to choose from, each offering a range of controls from essential to advanced support.

Before purchasing an automation system, it is crucial to determine the operations and functions you need and want.

Choosing the Best Pool Automation System

There isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to pool automation systems. Some people prefer fully advanced systems that tackle every aspect of pool care, while others are happy with systems that cover only a few areas.

You can choose the best system for your backyard swimming pool by considering several factors.

The Cost of Your System

While having the most expensive, top-of-the-line pool automation system might be nice, it isn't always feasible. These products are available for all budgets, and as long as you shop in the right places, you will get a quality setup no matter how much you spend.

Compatibility With Your Current Setup

Pool systems must be compatible with your pool equipment, such as the pool heater, pump, and intelligent relay. If these do not line up, the system will not work, and you will be back to making all the adjustments and maintaining the pool yourself.

You should also consider the size and type of pool you own. Saltwater pool systems will look different from other systems.

Features You Have or Want

Consider the pool features you already have or are looking to add to your backyard setup, then check to see if the automation system you are considering works with them.

some of these features include,

Basic pool systems might only control the pump and filter, while more advanced ones will tackle everything on the list, and more.

Type of Control

In today's world, everything is controlled by an app, so why should your pool automation system be any different? If you are looking for a product you can control from just about anywhere, then you want a remote access control system.

These systems will adjust all your settings, control the pump and filter, and monitor your swimming pool while you are at home doing yard work or when you're out of town and unable to take care of it yourself.

System Integration With Smart Devices

Many homes these days use devices such as Google Home or Alexa (Amazon) to manage most of their electronic devices in one place.

As luck would have it, pool automation systems can also come with this feature, allowing you to add it to the rest of your current setup and giving you easy access to your pool's features.

Now, instead of pulling out your phone or tablet, you can simply ask for voice assistance to complete the task.

Energy-Efficient Automation Systems

If you could reduce your utility bills while limiting your energy use, why would you want to? Many systems these days come with the energy-efficient label, ensuring the pump only runs when needed and the heater only activates when the temperature needs adjusting.

Setting Up Your Pool Automation System

A big question pool owners have is whether they can set up these systems themselves or hire an expert to do it for them.

While these products can be an afternoon DIY project, the person setting them up must clearly understand electrical work and the proper tools on hand. When tackling the job, it is crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions to the T.

Any error in the setup can ruin the system, damage your pool's equipment, and be dangerous to pool users or the person doing the installation.

For time and safety, hiring a professional is the better option for anyone not 100% confident they can handle this task. While it may cost money upfront, it will ensure you aren't spending a fortune on repairs or a new system in the future.

Automatic Pool System Maintenance

Pool automatic systems are designed to tackle the maintenance and management of all your pool's functions. However, these products do require a bit of maintenance to ensure they continue doing their job for years to come.

Not to worry, though; high-quality systems don't require much care, and a small amount of time and effort will be enough to keep these products running efficiently and effectively for their expected life span.

The required maintenance can be found in the manufacturer's guide when you purchase your setup. This maintenance typically includes updating firmware and software, routine cleaning, replacing worn or broken parts and checking for leaks.

A Top-Quality Pool Automation System Is Your Gateway to Maintenance Free Summer

Pool automation systems are the best way to limit the need for time-consuming pool management. It is critical for you to take the time and consider your options carefully before going forward with this investment.

Using the guide above will help you ask all the right questions when speaking with a qualified and professional pool expert like the ones at Pool Products Canada.

Picking a system from the right place will ensure you get the perfect fit for your needs and the long-lasting product you deserve.

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