Summer Smiles Chlor Ultra 3" Tabs 4kg

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Summer Smiles Pool Chemicals


4kg Stabilized chlorinating tablets

CHLOR ULTRA 3 inches is a stabilized chlorine sanitizer for pool water. Its long-lasting tablets dissolve slowly to disinfect water by efficiently destroying bacteria and algae. It also better withstands the sun’s ultraviolet rays. The premeasured tablets also simplify dosing.

Summer Smiles SKU: 3007240


Formats: 4kg, 7kg, 18kg


- Controls bacteria and algae in pool water


Recommended levels:

  • Maintain proper daily levels as determined by testing kit.
  • Free available chlorine: 1.0 – 3.0 ppm
  • pH: 7.2 – 7.8
  • Total alkalinity: 100 – 120 ppm
  • Calcium hardness: 200 – 300 ppm

Application method:

  • If using an automatic chlorinator, fill the chamber(s) with CHLOR ULTRATM 3 inch/po tablets and adjust flow rate according to manufacturer’s  recommendations to maintain proper chlorine residual.
  • Adding tablets to the pool skimmer basket is an alternative chlorine feed method
    • CHLOR ULTRA 3 inch/po contains stabilizer (cyanuric acid) which can accumulate in pool water. Keep stabilizer within the recommended range of 30 – 100 ppm by dilution with fresh water.
    • Add tablets according to the chosen application method and recommended dosages.


    Daily usage should approximate 25 g of CHLOR ULTRA 3 inch/po per 10,000 L of pool water.

    Swimming Pool Size  Less than 40,000L 40,0000L to 80,000L


    2 Tablets  4 Tablets



    • Direct tablet contact may cause bleaching of vinyl or painted pool surfaces.
    • Automatic feeding devices employing these tablets must be free from traces of other pool sanitizers to avoid the probability of an  explosion.


    • Hot weather, heavy usage and rain may require higher usage rates to maintain proper chlorine residuals.
    • Periodic superchlorination of pool water is recommended. Follow label instructions of the superchlorination product being employed.
    • For outdoor pools, chlorine residuals can be protected from destruction by the sun’s rays by adding 300 g of STAB per 10,000 L of pool water to yield the required initial concentration of 30 ppm.

    Download our Summer SmilesTM mobile app for an easy, fast and efficient water analysis!

    Thanks to our mobile app, maintaining clear water for your pool or spa has never been easier!

    The Summer SmilesTM app keeps an eye on your water balance for you. It measures the 4 main parameters to be monitored for a good routine maintenance of your water: pH, alkalinity, chlorine and calcium hardness.

    Enter your test strip results into the app to identify routine products and dosages to apply or solve any issues. All you have to do is follow the instructions! With Summer Smiles, you can enjoy your pool and spa without worries.

    Summer Smiles Chemistry App

     Summer Smiles Pool Chemistry App

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