What Chemicals Do I Need for a Pool - A Complete List

As a pool owner, keeping your pool crystal clear can be very difficult during the hot and humid summer months. While you and your family keep cool, your swimming pool is exposed to grass, leaves, oils, lotions, and much more.

All of these things can take a severe toll on the condition of the water. Luckily, pool service professionals have a long list of quality pool chemicals designed to clean, protect, and maintain your water conditions.

The catch is you must understand what every product is, how to use it, and how much to use for your specific pool size.

In the article below, you will find a great list of the most common pool chemicals every pool owner needs on hand and instructions on making them work for you.

Water Sanitizers

Water sanitizers are some of the most popular and important pool care products on the market today. Pool water can quickly fill with bacteria, viruses, and pathogens that can harm swimmers and keep the algae count low.

While these pool care products are necessary for clean swimming water, they can be strong and even dangerous when not handled carefully and in the right amounts.

Chlorine Tablets

Blue chlorine dispenser floats in a pool

Blue chlorine dispenser floats in a pool Most pool tablets come in three-inch dimensions and add about 5 ppm free chlorine for every 10,000 gallons of water.

To Use: Add two 3-inch chlorine tablets for every 10,000 gallons of water each week.

Chlorine tablet instructions:

  • Two 3" chlorine tablets per week for a 10,000 gallon pool
  • Three 3" chlorine tablets per week for a 15,000 gallon pool
  • Three to four 3" chlorine tablets per week for a 20,000-gallon pool


A 1 lb bag of pool shock can increase your pool's free chlorine by 8-10 ppm for every 10,000 gallons of water. Shock can take a dirty, murky, green pool and return it to a beautiful blue appearance.

To Use: Add a 1 lb bag of pool shock for every 10,000 gallons of water each week. You may need to add more of this swimming pool chemical with heavy use or after rain.

Pool shock instructions (weekly):

  • One 1 lb bag per 10,000 gallons of water
  • One to two 1 lb bags per 15,000 gallons of water
  • Two to three 1 lb bags per 20,000 gallons of water


For those who have a saltwater pool, your pool salinity level should be near 3,200 ppm. You can use 2 lbs of salt to increase this level to 1000 ppm (for every 10,000 gallons of water).

To Use: Add six bags or pounds of pool salt for every 10,000 gallons of water. This will increase the salinity level of your pool from 0 to 3,200 ppm.

Pool salt instructions (weekly):

  • Use 1 lb of pool salt for every 10,000 gallons of water to increase the salinity level by 500 ppm.
  • Use 2 lb of pool salt for every 10,000 gallons of water to increase the salinity level by 1,000 ppm.


Bromine is another pool cleaner that doesn't require chlorine. However, since it is not a stabilized product, you cannot use it in an outdoor pool.

To Use: Add bromine to your indoor pool until the sanitizer levels reach 3 – 5 ppm.


Biguanide is a hydrogen peroxide-based cleaner that is a non-chlorinated product. It can be used instead of chlorine.

With that said, it cannot be used with any other swimming pool chemicals listed. To Use: Use biguanide products to get the sanitizer levels to 30 – 50 ppm.


Pool balancers are used to maintain proper pool chemistry and fix water quality or pool stains.

These are ideal products often used by professionals but can be helpful in DIY pool cleaning situations.

Alkalinity Decreaser (Dry Acid)

Total alkalinity levels that are too high can be lowered by using dry acid. You can use 2 lbs of dry acid per 10,000 gallons to decrease TA by 10 ppm.

Alkalinity Increaser (Sodium Bicarbonate or Baking Soda)

The ideal range for a pool's total alkalinity is 80 – 120 ppm; 1 lb of this product increases the alkalinity levels by 10 ppm for every 10,000 gallons.

pH Increaser or Borax

The pH affects how neutral, corrosive, or scale-forming your water is. Ideal pH levels range from 7.2 to 7.6. Every 6 ounces of sodium carbonate increases your pool water's pH by 0.2 in every 10,000 gallons, acting as a pH balancer.

Calcium Hardness Increaser

Calcium has an impact on how soft or hard your water feels. The best range of calcium hardness is anywhere between 200 to 400 ppm. Every pound of calcium hardness increases the water hardness by 8 ppm for every 10,000 gallons of water.

Dirt and Debris Protection

rubber duck above ground swimming pool

Giant rubber ducky floating in pool There are also chemicals specifically designed to keep pools clean and crystal clear for ideal swimming and safety.

When these options are used as directed, you can rest assured your pool will remain clean and clear for the entire swim season.


Algaecide is made to kill existing pool algae and prevent it from returning. The initial dose of algicide is 12 oz. for every 10,000 gallons, then 3 oz. per 10,000 gallons each week for pool maintenance.

Phosphate Remover

Phosphate remover works hand in hand with algaecide, removing phosphates that algae feed on from pool water. To use this product, add 5 oz. per 10,000 gallons to start, then 5 oz. for every 10,000 gallons each week for pool maintenance.


Pool clarifiers aid in cleaning your pool by bunching up clumps of debris to help your filter collect and remove contaminants, keeping your pool clear.

First, use 4 oz. of clarifier for every 10,000 gallons of water. Then use 2 oz. for every 10,000 gallons each week.

Final Thoughts

The best way to ensure your pool is always in high-quality conditions for your family and friends to swim in is by utilizing high-quality pool products like those offered by PoolProductsCanada.ca.

This list gives you an idea of all the chemicals you need to open your pool, maintain its pristine condition, and ensure it stays healthy and clear all summer long.

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