Back of a young girl swimming in a clean outdoor pool

Having a pool is one of the best ways to enjoy the warm summer months. But being a pool owner isn’t all fun and games. For your pool to remain fun and function as it should, you’ll need to clean it occasionally – a frustrating chore most pool owners dread. Robotic pool cleaners have made the process easier than ever.

If you own a pool and dread cleaning it or are looking for the most effective way to handle this chore, here’s what you need to know about robotic pool cleaners.

What Are Robotic Pool Cleaners?

A robotic pool cleaner is a device that automatically cleans your pool using sensors and software to move around the pool and remove debris. If you’re familiar with robotic vacuums and floor mops used to clean floors inside a house, robotic pool cleaners are quite similar.

There are generally three different types of robotic pool cleaners, including:

  • Suction-side cleaners: Use your pool’s filter and suction to move throughout the pool and “vacuum” debris.
  • Pressure-side cleaners use water pressure from your pool’s return line to move debris and collect it in a bag.
  • Self-contained robotic cleaners: Self-contained cleaners with an internal power system that navigates and cleans the pool.

Modern Technology and Pool Cleaning

Technological advancements have made pool cleaning easier than ever. Modern robotic cleaners have “smart” technology. They can map and navigate your pool, offering a customized cleaning experience.

Most robot pool cleaners feature advanced sensors and software that provide efficient cleaning. These machines are energy efficient, and many have eco-friendly features.

What Are the Benefits of Using a Robotic Pool Cleaner?

For most people, using technology to make unpleasant jobs easier is a “no-brainer.” This is one of the greatest appeals of robotic pool cleaners. Other benefits of using these devices to clean your pool include:

  • Superior cleaning performance
  • Dual-cleaning ability that removes debris and scrubs pool surfaces
  • Offer user-friendly interfaces
  • Easy to maintain
  • Durable and reliable
  • Reduce pool maintenance and extend the life of your pool and its components
  • Let you focus on the enjoyment of your pool instead of upkeep and maintenance

What’s the Future of Pool Cleaning?

Many people want to understand the future of a particular market before buying a consumer product. They don’t want to adopt technology too soon before the kinks are worked out, and they also don’t want to be the last family on the block to invest in something that would’ve made their lives easier years ago.

More and more pool owners are turning to robotic cleaners, and the vast majority of them are happy they did so. Even people concerned about leaving the cleaning to a robot find that their pool cleaning devices offer as clean – if not cleaner – than manual cleaning.

You get all of the convenience of automating cleaning without sacrificing any of the results. In the future, pool owners can expect robotic cleaners to continue to evolve. Many robot pool cleaners will be integrated with overall smart home systems.

You can automate your pool cleaning and other tasks indoors and outside. Many pool cleaners will also utilize AI and machine learning technology to enhance the cleaning process further.

What to Consider Before Investing in a Robotic Pool Cleaner

You’ll want to consider several things before buying a robotic cleaner. For example:

  • Budget: What is your budget, and what cleaners are available within it? Make sure you consider not only what you can afford now but also what a robotic cleaner will save you in the future. Automating cleaning cuts down on the amount of chemicals you’ll need to use and will also likely reduce the cost of repairs.
  • Pool size: You must choose a robotic cleaner suitable for your pool’s size. This is one of your most essential considerations since not all cleaners have the same power and cleaning ability. If you buy a cleaner that doesn’t have the endurance to clean your pool, you’re creating a less-than-optimal situation. The goal is to create optimal cleaning efficiency, and a robot pool cleaner without enough “oomph” to deal with your pool won’t help you accomplish that.
  • Brand: You have several options, all offering benefits and drawbacks. The best thing you can do is research the options available and determine which best suits your pool and your family's needs.
  • Warranty: Most robotic pool cleaners come with a warranty or service guarantee. Make sure you understand what’s available before making your final decision.
  • Customer service: Many cleaners provide customer support to help you with the initial setup of your cleaner and assist you with problems if they arise in the future.

Is There a Downside?

Robotic cleaners are great but might not be suitable for all pool owners. First and foremost, the device needs to be in your budget. You also need to consider the cost of any repairs.

You might also struggle to find a model compatible with your existing pool, especially if it’s older. In some cases, you might need to modify your pool or its filtration system to use a robotic cleaner. 

If you’d like to upgrade to a robotic pool cleaner or learn more about whether it might be a good investment, we can help. Contact us to learn more.

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